Section (1): Business Meetings
1.For the purpose of transacting the business of the Detachment, there shall be a regular monthly meeting of the membership, on the first Thursday evening of each month.
Section (2): Special Meetings
1.A special meeting of the Detachment can be called by the Adjutant:
a.upon request of the Commandant
b.upon written request of the Majority of the Staff
c.upon written request of ten (10) percent of the members.
2.Such meetings shall only be called by notice in writing, addressed and posted to the last known address of each member, giving the place, date and hour, plus the object of said special meeting.
3.Such notice shall bear a postmark not later than four days prior to the proposed meeting. Such special meeting shall be confined to the object thereof.
Section (3): Nominations
1.Nomination for officers shall be held annually at the regular month of April meeting. Additional nominations for office can be made from the floor on election night. Names of nominees and the office involved, shall be published in the May Scoop.
Section (4): Elections
1.Election of Detachment officers shall be held annually, at the regular month of May Meeting. All members in good standing, shall be eligible for election to any Detachment office.
Section (5): Quorum
1.Any ten (10) members in good standing, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business of the Detachment.