
Badger Detachment #348

We, who served Honorably in the United States Marine Corps, have united together to establish a permanent organization under the Laws of the National Constitution of the Marine Corps League and under the laws of the United States of America and the State of Wisconsin, which shall always be non-political, non-partisan and non-sectarian; and which shall never serve as a medium of personal or political ambition or preferment.

Badger Detachment #348 156
Our Mission

This organization will band together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service; voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines and former Marines and to their widows and orphans, and by perpetuating the history of the United States Marine Corps through fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.

  • Preserve the traditions and to promote the interests of the United States Marine Corps
  • Support those who are now serving in the USMC, and those who have been honorably discharged from that service together in fellowship, that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy.
  • Fit its members with the duties of citizenship, to hold sacred the history and memory of the men who have given their lives to the nation.
  • Foster love for the principles which they have supported by blood and valor
  • Maintain true allegiance to American institutions
  • Create a band of comradery between those in the service and those who have returned to civilian life .
  • Aid voluntarily and to render assistance to all Marines and former Marines as well as to their widows and orphans .
  • Perpetuate the history of the USMC and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interests to Marines .
  • Perpetuate and honor the memory of those Marines who have passed to  their eternal rest  
  • Decorate the graves of all deceased Marines


The Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem and the name Marine CorpsĀ® are registered trademarks of the USMC. The Marine Corps League and its subordinate organizations support the USMC and its veterans, however it is not officially connected to or endorsed by the USMC, and the name and emblem are used with permission.

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